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Our clients

Our clients come from diverse industries and backgrounds and their businesses are at different stages of growth.

They are, however, all smart, entrepreneurial and driven to succeed.

Find out more about our clients and why we love working with them.



Michael and Susan Burke


The Burke family name has earned a solid reputation within the Victorian Hotel industry, having begun in the 1970s when Kevin Burke purchased his first hotel.

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Mark Johnson

Looking back, talking to Fordham has turned out to be a great decision. With their help, we’re continuing to remain an integral part of the lock and security products industry in Australia.

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Gordon McKay


The Gordon Mckay business originally began back in 1953 and is now a successful second generation family business, owned and operated by Gordon’s son Gavin.

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Bill Cook


Bill Cook is the third generation of his family to be involved in the family business – William Batters, a real estate agent located in South Yarra, Melbourne.

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